Understanding gender perceptions in Romania

Insights from the GEMINI project

By Nicoleta Talpes, February 10, 25 2023

How do Romanian young adults perceive gender representation in media, and how do educators address gender equality in schools? The GEMINI project’s recent research sheds light on these critical questions, revealing both challenges and opportunities in integrating gender awareness into the educational landscape.

Gender representation in serial dramas: a dual influence

The GEMINI study conducted in Romania as part of the D3.2 report examined how high school students engage with serial dramas and their views on gender-related issues. The findings highlight a paradoxical influence of media: while serial dramas can reinforce traditional gender stereotypes, they also serve as a tool for promoting inclusive representations.

Romanian students reported that serial dramas shape their understanding of gender roles, often mirroring societal expectations. However, they also recognized that certain series challenge these norms by showcasing strong female protagonists, non-binary characters, and unconventional gender narratives. This reflects a growing awareness among young audiences, even in contexts where gender discussions remain limited in formal education.

The role of Teachers: Enthusiasm Meets Structural Barriers

Romanian educators expressed strong interest in addressing gender issues in the classroom. However, the D3.2 report found that they face multiple challenges, including:

  • Resistance from parents and conservative stakeholders, which limits open discussions on gender topics.
  • A lack of dedicated training and resources, making it difficult to incorporate gender education into existing curricula.
  • Institutional constraints, such as outdated textbooks and limited classroom autonomy.

Despite these obstacles, some teachers have adopted creative strategies to introduce gender discussions, such as using literature, media, and classroom debates to foster critical thinking among students.

Recommendations for a gender-inclusive education

Findings from the D4.1 report, which analysed educational tools across multiple European countries, suggest key steps for integrating gender equality into Romania’s educational system:

  • Updating teaching materials to reflect diverse gender narratives and avoid reinforcing stereotypes.
  • Mandatory teacher training on gender-sensitive education, ensuring that educators feel equipped to handle these discussions.
  • Encouraging gender representation in STEM fields where women remain underrepresented.

Looking ahead: How GEMINI contributes to change

The GEMINI project aims to bridge the gap between research and action, using insights from media studies and education to develop practical resources for teachers and students. By leveraging the power of TV series and online content, the project seeks to transform how young people perceive gender roles and encourage educators to embrace inclusive teaching approaches.

As Romania continues to navigate discussions on gender equality, projects like GEMINI play a vital role in equipping young adults and educators with the tools to challenge stereotypes and promote a more equitable society.

Figure 1: Like Ms. Marvel, Romanian students feel recent Marvel series present examples of strong female characters portrayed as superheroes, while men often appear to be villains.

Read the report

📌 For more details, read the report Understanding young adults’ perception and detecting teachers and trainers’ awareness through the GEMINI website: https://gemini.unilink.it/ or by following the in-text links to the website above.